Lost & Found

Your Stuff Misses You, too

We all lose things from time to time. We can't help it, it just seems to go along with going places and doing things. Below we have listed items that have been found by someone and also we will list anything you think you lost during one of our gatherings.

To submit a Lost or Found Item Report, please send us a brief email describing the item you lost or found and where you think you lost or found it. Be sure to include your contact information so someone can contact you directly. (There is no intent for us to be the middle-person. Please provide your own contact info.)

Items will be posted for a maximum of 30 days

Items Lost

Date Lost Where It was Lost Description Contact Info
sample 10/25 Globe, AZ Black & White Lawn Chair with purple stripes and pink polka dots. Very old. It is an antique with lots of fond memories. Sam 555-5555